1. Data Licensing Agreement

    1.1 Scope of License

    This Data Licensing Agreement grants the Data Contributor (hereinafter referred to as "Contributor") the right to use and share their data under specific conditions. The Contributor agrees to   dedicate their data to non-commercial research, educational, and developmental purposes.

    1.2 Data Usage

    The Contributor authorizes the Recipient (hereinafter referred to as "User") to analyze, research, and publish research findings using the data, provided that the terms of this Agreement are adhered to.

    1.3 Data Ownership

    The Contributor retains ownership of their data. The User must clearly attribute the source of the data and give due credit to the Contributor in any publicly disseminated materials.

2. Confidentiality Clause

    2.1 Confidentiality Obligation

    The User is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of the data and must not use it for any unauthorized commercial activities or disclose it to unauthorized third parties.

    2.2 Data Security

    The User shall implement appropriate technical and managerial measures to safeguard the data from unauthorized access, disclosure, tampering, or destruction.

3. Contributor's Benefits

    3.1 Academic Recognition

    Contributors will be acknowledged in all research outcomes that utilize their data, including but not limited to academic papers, reports, and presentations.

    3.2 Data Usage Feedback

    The User should provide feedback on the data usage to the Contributor, including how the data is utilized and any issues encountered.

    3.3 Collaboration Opportunities

    Contributors will have the opportunity to establish a collaborative relationship with the User to jointly undertake research projects or engage in knowledge exchange within relevant fields.

    3.4 Resource Sharing

    Contributors will be granted access to other relevant data resources of the User to foster academic research and knowledge sharing.

    3.5 Monetary Compensation

    If the data provided by the Contributor significantly contributes to the construction of the Magmatic Rock Database or aids in producing influential academic outcomes, the Database will offer monetary compensation to the Contributor according to certain rules. For details, please contact onepetrology@126.com.

4. Data Submission Method

    Please first download the data template from the Magmatic Rock homepage or request the latest Excel data template by contacting OnePetrology@126.com. Fill in the template with your data and send the completed Excel file to the OnePetrology@126.com email address.

5. Additional Terms

    5.1 Agreement Modification

    Any modifications to this Agreement require written consent from both parties and will take effect immediately upon agreement.

    5.2 Dispute Resolution

    In the event of any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of this Agreement, the parties shall first attempt to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may initiate legal proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction.

    5.3 Termination of Agreement

    In the event of a breach of the confidentiality clause by the Contributor or failure of the User to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this Agreement.

    5.4 Applicable Law

    The execution, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the respective [Country/Region].